
30 Apr 2015

Super Friend!

Learning to be super friends inspired by the excellent manners of Imam Ali (as)
Download: Super friend worksheet

See complete lesson detail: A Good Friend


Acts Of Kindness Are Sweet!

Learning Objective:
- Celebrate the birth of Bibi Fatima (as) by spending the day in doing acts of kindness.

Share stories which show the kindness and generosity of Bibi Fatima (as)
- Giving away wedding dress
- Feeding the poor 3 days in a row when fasting Sura Dahr 76:9 'no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks'

Today we are celebrating the birth of Lady Fatima (as). She spent her life doing good acts of kindness for the love of Allah. She did not expect reward or thanks.

This candy bracelet looks a bit like a tasbeeh! Wear it to remind yourself of Fatima (as) and how she lived. Spend your day finding ways you can do kind things for people. Acts of kindness are sweet! For each one, snap off a candy to eat/share/save
CHALLENGE: Can you finish the whole bracelet?!


28 Apr 2015

Serving God's Creation

Lesson Objectives:
- To understand the honour of serving others
- To understand that we can be helpers of Allah, by helping others
- To understand why it is important to share our blessings and help others.
- To know that one way of being a servant of Allah, is to serve His creation.

Quran Verse:
Koonoo ansarallah
Be helpers of Allah 61:14

Lesson Introduction:
Allah is Al Qadir, the Most Powerful. He can do anything, and he doesn't need anyone. But in the Qur'an, Allah asks us to be his helpers. He gives us the opportunity to work for him, and become close to him. What an honour to be a helping hand for Allah!

The helpers of Allah, serve the creation. They share the blessings Allah has given them, to help and be useful to those around them. They help to make the world a kinder, more peaceful place.
Serving the creation is a way of serving Allah. We shouldn’t expect anything from those we help. Our actions are only to please Allah.
When we share the blessings of Allah with those around us, our manners show people what a beautiful religion Islam is.


Pray Together
O Allah, help me to be your helper and serve your creation, using everything I have.
Rabbana Dua: Our Lord! Accept this service from us

Extended Home Activity
Make a service jar and fill with slips of paper, with different ways to serve each family member. Make bed/Give a hug,” or “Do the dishes.”
100 Acts Of Kindness For Kids

Guess The Deed

Use picture cards to play charades, acting out different ways we can be helpers of Allah.

Discuss how in the game you had to show people with your actions. In the same way, you cant just say you are a helper of Allah, you must make sure that you show it, by always acting in the right way and doing lots of good deeds for those around us. Actions speak louder than words!

You Can Make A Difference

Quran Verse:
Koonoo ansarallah
Be helpers of Allah 61:14

Activity: You can make a difference
Show the group a ballpen, out of which the spring has been removed. Ask what they think the most important part of the pen is. Ink is a common answer. Let several kids try to use the pen, and see if it works properly. They will conclude something is broken. Yes, the reason this pen is not working properly is that it is missing a part. It may seem like an insignificant part, but the pen cannot work without it. It is the spring! Insert the spring back into the pen, and let a few children confirm that it is now working properly.
For the pen to work correctly, it needs all it’s pieces. Every part is important.

To Allah, each helper is important, even if we're little. Every act of kindness, every blessing we share, makes a difference.

Download Complete Lesson: Serving God's Creation

Help Each Other

Lesson Objective:
- To understand that we can be helpers of Allah, by helping others help His creation.

Activity: Help Each Other
Give a child a comb and tell him he needs to get his hair combed without bending his elbows.
After he struggles for a bit, ask the others if anyone would like to help him, but the person combing also can not bend their elbows. The children will soon see that by helping each other, they can manage the task

The helpers of Allah, serve the creation. They do whatever they can, and use whatever they have, to help and be useful to those around them.

Download Complete Lesson: Serving God's Creation

Blessings Are For Sharing

Lesson Objective:
- To understand why it is important to share our blessings and help others.

Allah has given each of us many different blessings, and He tells us to spend and give from what He has given us. 

Activity: Role play ‘It’s mine!’
Scenario: You’re eating a pack of crisps. Your mum cant resist and takes a large handful from the pack. Hey! You get annoyed. She stole YOUR crisps! But think about it, who paid for those crisps? You or your mum?! So it was your mum who used her money to buy you crisps so really is it your crisps or her crisps that she kindly let you have?!
Sometimes it’s difficult to give, but we must remember, everything we have is from Allah, it’s not really ours! The blessings we enjoy, are gifts from Allah. Everything we have is from Him and for Him! We must use our time, money, our possessions, our talents, for Allah, to help His creation.

Activity: Sweet Blessings
Divide some sweets between the group, leaving some children without any. Explore how the children could leave them ‘poor’, or be helpers of Allah and share their sweet blessings

Allah has made the Earth large enough for everyone to live comfortably and provided enough food for everyone to eat well. It is our responsibility to ensure no one is left without, by sharing the blessings Allah has given us. When we all behave in this way and share what we have, we help to build a more peaceful world. As helpers of Allah, we must do what we can, to ensure blessings like food, water, clothes, toys etc are made available to everyone.

Download Complete Lesson: Serving God's Creation

Imam Ali: A Helper Of Allah


23 Apr 2015

The Soul

Lesson Objectives:
- To understand that we are a soul and have a body
- To understand how every action impacts our soul
- To know Allah has given us instructions how to look after our soul
- To understand that our aim is to return to Allah with a clean soul

Quran Verse:
Man amila saalihan, falinafsi
Whoever does good, it is for his own soul 45:15

Key Learning Point:
Each of us is a soul. It is the soul which gives life to the body. Allah put the soul inside the body, so that we could come to Earth and do as many good deeds as we can.

Allah out of His love and Kindness has given us instructions on how to look after the soul. Everything we do, has an affect on the soul. You can keep it clean and become close to Allah, by following Allah’s rules. When we obey what Allah has said, it doesn’t affect Allah, but rather it benefits our own soul. 

Our body will die and be buried in the ground, but the real us, our soul will return to Allah. Allah tells us that those who choose to do good and purify their souls are successful.


Feed the Soul

Lesson Objective:
- To see clearly and understand that both the body and the soul are separate and have different needs
- To understand what we can do to take care of our soul 

Qur'an Verse:
Man amila saalihan, falinafsi
Whoever does good, it is for his own soul 45:15

We know how to look after our body and keep it healthy, but what about our soul? Since it is our soul which will return to Allah, we must spend time to look after it.

Every single action we do, has an affect on our soul. When we do what makes Allah happy, it is good for the soul and helps to keep it clean and healthy.

Activity: Feed the Soul
Label the body and soul with actions we can do to look after it.


22 Apr 2015

Is It Good For My Soul?

Lesson Objective:
- To know that Allah has given us instructions on how to look after our soul
- To understand how every action impacts our soul
- To understand that our aim is to return to Allah with a clean soul.

Quran Verse:
Man amila saalihan, falinafsi
Whoever does good, it is for his own soul 45:15

Key Learning Point:
We must focus on doing what Allah loves, and keep away from what He tells us is wrong, so that we can return to Allah with a clean soul.

Lesson Introduction:
Allah is Al-Quddus, He is the most Pure, the Perfect. To reach close to Him and become what He wants us to be, we have to make sure we keep our souls clean and spotless and away from anything that will mark it. In sura shams, Allah tells us that those who purify their souls are successful.

Allah out of His love and Kindness has taught us how to keep our souls pure, so that we can become close to Him. He has made certain actions wajib, because they are good for our soul and keep it clean. And He has made some actions haram, because they are harmful to our soul. 

Sometimes we might not understand why something is good or bad for us, because we can’t see what it does to our soul. But Allah the Creator of our soul knows what things benefit/harm our soul. He loves us 70x more than our mothers! He is our Rabb, He knows what we need. 

When we obey what Allah has said, it doesn’t affect Allah, but it benefits our own soul.

When we lie, we might think its ok because no one found out. But by doing something that Allah has told us not to do, think about what damage and affect it had on your soul.

Activity: Is it good for my soul?
Give each child a different coloured glass, label with their names 
'Allah created us all with different bodies, we all look different on the outside. But inside each of us, Allah placed a perfect pure soul.' 
Fill each cup with water.

Write corresponding numbers or label up a dice with the terms 'Wajib', 'Haram', 'Makrooh' and 'Mustahab', reminding what each one means. Alternativelty, you could also write actions to represent these terms. 

Have the children take turns to roll the dice once each. Depending on what the dice lands on, ask 'If you did something that was __________, would it make Allah happy? If yes, then it is good for our soul and keeps it clean and pure. If it is a negative action, then it harms our soul and puts a mark on it. If that is the case, have the child place a drop of food colouring into their cup.
Explain how the colour of the glass on the outside didn’t change. From the outside, you still look the same. The body doesn't change, but your soul inside has blackened.

The winner is the child whose water at the end of the round remains clean and pure!

We must focus on doing what Allah loves, and keep away from what He tells us is wrong, so that we can return to Allah with a clean soul.

Activity: Feed the Soul

The game can also be incorporated when learning about tawba and seeking Allah's forgiveness. The term tawba could be added onto the dice, which upon landing on, the child could be given fresh clean water. This dimension could be used to emphasize the necessity and importance of astaghfar daily, as a means of keeping our soul clean.

Blow a trumpet sound and announce that it is the Day of Judgement. 
Have the children place their cups in a line before a clear glass. 
Explain how our soul will return to Allah who can see what it looks like.
Role play and say to the 'cups', oh but you look so lovely, you must be a good person.' Then empty the coloured water into a clear glass for all to see. 'Oh no, even though your outside looked so good, your soul is not!' With another cup say 'oh you're so bad at sports, you always wear mismatched clothes and aren't really good at anything'. Pour the cup with the clear water into the clear glass. Oh but your soul is so pure and clean! Discuss and emphasise how the body is just a covering for the soul, the "real" person inside. In this world, Allah has hidden our deeds from the people around us, but Allah can see our soul and who we really are. 


Lesson Objective:
- To understand that the soul gives life to the body.
- To understand that when we die, our body is left behind and our soul returns to Allah

Quran verse:
Inna lillahi, wa inna ilayhi raajioon 2:156
To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return

Show a balloon that hasn’t been blown.
Allah created our body out of clay. Then He blew into it our soul.
Blow up the balloon.
Even though we can’t see the air inside the balloon, we can see that it is the air that gives ‘life’ and form to the balloon, which otherwise would still be limp and useless, like one of the balloons that is still empty.
People only see the outside of the balloon or the outside of people, and they tend to think that’s the important part. What’s really important, however, is what is on the inside, because what’s on the inside creates the outside.

Just like the air gives shape to the balloon,
It is our soul, that gives life to the body.

What would happen if I release the air from the balloon? The balloon will ‘die’ but the air will simply  rejoin the air outside the balloon, which is where it came from in the first place!
When we die, our soul leaves the body and the body dies. Without the soul, the body is just an empty shell which we bury it into the ground. The soul lives on and returns back to Allah, where it came from.

- To understand how our inner good qualities, make up who we are.
Just as it is important to look after our bodies, we must also take care of our soul which is the ‘real’ person. It is the soul which makes you a caring, kind, good person and not your outside appearance. We must focus on developing these good characteristics more than just caring about how we look on the outside. It is our soul that will return to Allah.

Who am I?

Lesson Objective:
- To understand that we are a soul and have a body
- To understand the purpose of the body

Qur'an Verse:
Man amila saalihan, falinafsi
Whoever does good, it is for his own soul 45:15

Activity: Who am I?
Ask the child to point to himself. 
Label the body part being pointed at, stating, 'No that's your arm, that's not You. If you didn't have an arm or lost a leg, you would still be you, because the real you, is your soul inside your body.'

When Allah created Insaan, human beings, He created a soul. Our soul is who we are. It is the part of us that laughs, loves, feels happy or sad. We can’t see or touch our soul, it is inside and covered by our physical body.  

The body is just the temporary clothing of the soul.  Like an astronaut, who needs to wear a spacesuit in order to be in space, our soul needs a body to live on the Earth. Allah created our soul and put it inside a body so that we could come to this world and do as many good deeds as we can.

When our time on Earth comes to an end, we will no longer need our body. The body will die and be buried in the ground and the real you, the soul, will return to Allah, to show Him what you have done with your life.

21 Apr 2015

Allah is Al Muhyi, The Giver of Life

Lesson Objective:
- To understand that it is our soul that gives life to the body.

Give each child some playdoh and ask them to make a model of themselves.
Allah tells us in the Qur'an that He created insaan, human beings, from clay.
What's the difference between our clay model and the one Allah made?!
Can you make it come alive? What does it need to be alive?
Allah is the best and most perfect designer, He moulded the body perfectly from clay and then He breathed life into it by giving the body a soul. 
It is our soul which gives life to the body. It is our soul which keeps the body alive.
Allah is Al Muhyi, only He can give life.  

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