26 Mar 2014

Prophet Nuh (as)

Lesson Objectives:
- to understand the need and role of the Prophets
- to recap the story of Prophet Nuh and derive lessons from it
- to understand that belief in Allah must be acted upon by listening and doing what Allah tells us. 

Quran Verse:
Believe in Allah 4:136
Aminu bil lahi 

Key Learning Points: (adjust to class level accordingly)
Allah tells us in the Qur’an that there are lessons to learn from the stories of the prophets. Learning about Prophet Nuh teaches us that we must:
- Believe in Allah
- Listen and obey Allah
- Be patient and never give up
- Pray and talk to Allah, He always answers
- Do what Allah asks us, even if it doesn't seem clear at the time, there is always a good reason.
- Only by listening to Allah and the Ahlulbayt who have come to teach us, can we stay safe and protected.

Craft: The Ark of Prophet Nuh 

Download complete lesson plan: Prophet Nuh (as)

Belief Experiment

Fill a glass with water and gently place an egg inside. Watch how it sinks to the bottom. Use it
to explain that the people who didn’t believe in Allah drowned when the flood came.

Have the children recall and chant the Quranic verse ‘Aminubillahi’ as they each in turn add and stir a teaspoon of salt into the water.
Do you think the people who believed in Allah drowned? No!
Place the egg inside the glass again and this time watch it float!

It was belief in Allah that saved the people who boarded the ark of Prophet Nuh (as). Those that did not believe in Allah, drowned.

Only by believing in Allah and listening to the Ahlulbayt who have come to teach us, can we stay safe and protected.

Having belief in Allah helps you rise above every hardship!

Download complete lesson plan: Prophet Nuh (as)

Prophet Nuh Story Telling Aid

Lesson Objective:
- to visually demonstrate how only those that believed in Allah and got onto the ark of Prophet Nuh (as), were safe. All the other people drowned.

Fill a container with water and use pennies to represent people. Place a smaller floating container
‘ark’ inside, and show how the pennies ‘drown’ to the bottom except those that are in the ‘ark’.

Download complete lesson plan Prophet Nuh (as)

The Ark Of Prophet Nuh (as)

It took Prophet Nuh (as) 80 years to build the ark! Even though people laughed at him and called him mad, Prophet Nuh listened to and did what Allah had asked him. It was the ark that kept those who believed in Allah safe, when the flood came. 

Download complete lesson plan: Prophet Nuh (as)

20 Mar 2014

The Day Of Judgement

Lesson Objectives:
- Understand that the purpose of life is to follow Allah’s rules and do good deeds
- Understand the concept of Qiyama as a day when all our deeds will be weighed
- Understand that every good action is recorded and rewarded

Quran Verse:
Najzil Muhsineen
Allah rewards those who do good 77:44

Lesson Introduction:
Nobody can live forever. All of us will die one day. It is Allah who has created us and gives us life, and it is Allah who will decide when to end our life and take us back to Him.

So why did Allah create us? Did we just come into the world to have fun, go to school, get a job, do whatever we want, and then die? Is that it, or is there a reason?

Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He has created life and death as a test to see who is the best in deeds (67:2)

That means that life is like a competition. It’s a race where we must try to do as many good deeds as we can before our time is up and we are called back to Allah.

Allah has given us clear rules on how to live. He has explained which things we are allowed to do and which are not.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an, about Qiyama. The day of judgement, when Allah will bring us all back to life. It will be a very long and hot day. A recording of our whole life will be shown to us. All of our deeds, good and bad, will be weighed. It is on the day of judgement that we will get our results and find how well we did.

Allah tells us, ‘najzil muhsineen’, that ‘He rewards those who do good’. Every deed, however small you think it is, will be counted! Whoever’s scales are heavy with good deeds, will enter Jannah! 

Activity: Race to do good!
Place a 1 minute egg timer and count/write how many good deeds the child can think of. The winner is the one who can think of the most! Can also be played in teams.
Set a digital timer and use it to play pass the parcel, with the timer symbolising the limited time we have on Earth. Have the children think of a good deed while they hold the clock and then pass it on. When the timer rings, the child left holding it is out. Every child is a winner as they all spent their time doing good deeds!

Download complete lesson plan The Day Of Judgement 


Allah Records Everything

Lesson Title: The Day Of Judgement 

Lesson Objective:
- Understand that every good action is recorded and rewarded

On the day of judgement, a recording of our whole life will be shown to us.

Activity: Use junk modelling to make a camera and display prominently as a ‘CCTV reminder: Allah is recording everything you do’

Download complete lesson plan: The Day Of Judgement 


Good Deeds Scale

Lesson Title: The Day of Judgement

Lesson Objective:
- Understand the concept of Qiyama as a day when all our deeds will be weighed

Quran Verse:
Najzil Muhsineen
Allah rewards those who do good 77:44

Allah tells us, ‘najzil muhsineen’, that ‘He rewards those who do good’. On the day of judgement, every deed, however small you think it is, will be counted! Whoever’s scales are heavy with good deeds, will enter Jannah!

Make a simple hanger scale. Have the children in turn choose a deed and place a lego brick to symbolise it, into the correct side of the scale. Add in a few ‘bad deeds’ to show the effect.

Download complete lesson plan The Day Of Judgement


God Is Just

Lesson Objectives:
- To introduce the concept of Adalat
- Understand Allah is Al Adl, Fair and Just
- Understand that fairness does not always mean everyone getting the same
- Understand how to act fairly
- Understand the importance of speaking up when others are treated unfairly
- Understand the greatness of Allah’s Mercy

Quran Verse:
Be Just And Act Fairly (5:8)

Lesson Introduction:
When you act fairly, it is called being just.
Allah tells us in the Qur’an, u’diluw, be just and always act fairly. Allah tells us to treat everyone fairly. He teaches us that we should treat fairly even those people who we might not like. It doesn’t matter how someone looks, what language they speak or even whether or not they are Muslim, we must still treat everyone fairly.

Story:  “Miss, that’s not fair!”

Activity: Pennies for All
Give each child a differing amount of pennies to start with. Then give the group more pennies to share out. Discuss how they decided. Did they give each the same amount or did it depend on how much they already had?
Fair does not always mean getting the same, but giving people what they need.

Activity: Injury and Bandage Analogy
Tell each child to imagine an injury and show you where they are hurt. Put a plaster on each in the exact same spot. ‘I want to treat you all fairly! Or should I put it where you NEED it?"  
Discuss "What is fair? Everyone getting the same size plaster on their hand, or getting the treatment that fits the need?"

Activity: Worksheet
Draw/write how you can show fairness

Role Play Scenarios
Discuss which behaviour to react with
- Boy at school forgets lunch money.
- Not enough sweets so some kids don’t get
- You make a Lego model but little sister breaks it
- In a queue and behind is a mum with a crying baby
- Boy being picked on in the playground

Download complete lesson plan God Is Just

6 Mar 2014

God Is One: Surah Ikhlas

Learning Objective:
- To understand the basic concept of Tawheed through the translation of Surah Ikhlas

Lesson Introduction:

Tawheed is believing that there is only one God, Allah.

At the time of the Prophet, people used to worship in different ways. They used to believe in many Gods, for different things. Sometimes their Gods were made of wood, stone or even animals. They would give gifts and food to the idols and pray to them. They even believed their gods had families.

Prophet Muhammad (saw) came to teach people about worshiping only Allah. The people wanted to know more about who Allah was, and so Angel Jibrael brought surah Ikhlas of the Qur’an from Allah to answer their questions.

Surah Ikhlas tells us all about Allah!
There is only one God, Allah and everyone needs Him. He wasn’t born, He doesn’t give birth and there is no one like Him.

Download complete lesson plan Tawheed and Asmaul Husna

Asmaul Husna Flashcards

Download the starter set of Asmaul Husna Flashcards

Learning Objective:

- To become familiar with and understand a few Asmaul Husna
- To provide a visual method to aid recalling the Isms

Quran Verse:

Wa lilahil asmaul husnaAllah's are the best names 7:180

Lesson introduction:

Names help us to know who someone is and what they are like. When we hear a name, it makes us think of that person. A name like Mummy, will remind you of someone who loves you and looks after you, but a name like Frankenstein will probably remind you of someone scary!

Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He has Asmaul Husna, the Best names. Allah has 99 names, and each name, each Ism, is a quality, something that tells us about Allah and reminds us how amazing He is.

Allah is Ar-Rahman and Raheem, the one who is super kind to us and gives us so many blessings. Allah is As-Samee’, He hears everything and Allah is Al-Baseer, He sees everything.

The name Allah combines all these names together. So when we say Allah, we are being reminded about the very kind Allah who hears and sees everything we do and and gave us everything we have!

By learning the names of Allah, we can see how amazing Allah is and it helps us understand Him better too.

Each Ism is also like a Dua we can use to call Allah with.

Activity: Asmaul Husna Flashcards

Use the cards to play memory pairs, matching the image of each attribute with the corresponding Ism.

Activity: Asmaul Husna Rhyme Cards
Simple rhymes to help understand and memorise each Ism, can be sung to the tune of 'Frère Jacques'.

Print multiple images per page to size the cards accordingly. Can be made into a poster or a handy key ring style book to allow easy addition of further Isms


Misri Bunch Cartoons

A group of puppets teaching young children about some of Allah's names and attributes .

Download complete lesson plan Tawheed and Asmaul Husna
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