18 Apr 2020
30 Days of Quranic Crafts
A project created in collaboration with Sun Behind The Cloud Publications, each craft and activity has been selected to help children aged 7+ to become familiar with and practically understand a range of Quranic verses and values.
To help you create your own Quranic Crafts Scrapbook, we encourage you each day to;
1. Take a picture of your craft
2. Jot down a few notes including;
- Ramadhan Date
- Craft Title
- Quran Verse
- What you learnt
3. Compile it all together to create your own Quranic Crafts Scrapbook as a special memento of your Ramadhan.
The project details for each day will be uploaded daily through the month of Ramadhan.
Day 1: Ramadhan Moon
Day 2: The Goal
Day 3: The Month of Growth
Day 4: Trust in Allah
Day 5: The Best Protector
Day 6: Have Faith
Day 7: Being Grateful
Day 8: The Best Words
Day 9: Be a Helper of Allah
Day 10: Generosity
Day 11: Spend out of what Allah has given
Day 12: Goodness
Day 13: Be Aware of Allah
Day 14: Good Food
Day 15: Allah is the Sustainer
Day 16: Sleep
Day 17: Water
Day 18: Do not waste
Day 19: Establishing Prayer
Day 20: Patience
Day 21: Constant Improvement
Day 22: The Straight Path
Day 23: The Night of Power
Day 24: Hearts at Rest
Day 25: Parents
Day 26: Allah is All Powerful
Day 27: Names of Allah
Day 28: One Nation
Day 29: Rope of Allah
Day 30: Quiz Time!