Lesson Objectives:
- To know how we can remember Allah with our words
- To recap Quranic phrases of Dhikr and their usage
- To understand that words once spoken can't be taken
back and so we must think before we speak
Quran Verse:
Udhkurullaha katheerun 8:45
Allah Much!
Key Learning Point:
The tongue is an amazing blessing from Allah. Without it
we wouldn’t be able to talk! We must thank Allah by using our tongue to speak the best
Using phrases like Bismillah and Alhamdulillah throughout
the day, help us remember Allah.
When we use our words to cheer someone up and say kind
things, our words make Allah happy. The words we speak become part of
remembering Allah. Sometimes we say words that can be mean and hurtful. These words once
spoken cannot be taken back.
Rhyme: Bismillah
Activity: Dhikr Clock
Activity: Think Before You Speak
Activity: Toothpaste Words
Activity: Wrinkled Heart
Activity: Toothpaste Words
Activity: Wrinkled Heart
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