
21 Jul 2020

Hajj Books

Set up a themed display to invite learning through some brilliant Hajj titles.

Zaahir & Jamel The Camel Hajj
Tell Me About Hajj by Saniyasnain Khan
Going to Mecca by Na’ima B. Robert
Yan's Hajj by Fawzia Gilani
We're off to make 'Umrah by Sana Munshey
Noor Kids Go to Hajj
Two Pigeons on a Pilgrimage by Rabia Bashir
Young Explorers' Adventures in Makkah by Abu Zaynah
The Green Dinosaur Umbrella: A Hajj Story by Amina Banawan
My Hajj Funbook by Tahera Kassamali

You can find related book reviews online by Islamic School Librarian

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