Activity: 10 Quranic facts about Isa (as)
Read through the facts and match them up with the correct picture.
Older children can use the facts to make a poster or present a short talk on what the Qur'an tells us about Prophet Isa (as) using Surah Maryam, chapter 19 to find the relevant verses.
- Chapter 19 of the Quran is named after Isa’s (as) mother.
- Angel Jibrael was sent to tell Maryam that she was going to have a baby who would be a Prophet.
- Isa (as) was born without a father but he is NOT the son of Allah
- When Isa (as) was born, Allah told Maryam to eat from a date palm tree.
- Isa (as) spoke as a baby. He said, ‘Inni abdullah, I am a servant of Allah 19:30
- Prophet Isa (as) was a great Messenger and was given a book called Injeel
- Isa (as) was able to heal the blind and ill and make the dead, living again
- Isa (as) always obeyed Allah who told him to pray, give charity and be good to his mother.
- Isa (as) was not killed and did not die on the cross but instead was saved by Allah
- Isa (as) is still alive in the heavens. He will return to Earth with Imam Mahdi.
Download Worksheet Template and Worksheet Facts (2 sets per page)
Lesson plan: Prophet Isa (as) Servant Of God
Lesson plan: Prophet Isa (as) Servant Of God