
5 Jun 2020

Equality and Discrimination

Learning Objective:
- Recognize that we are all equal and deserve the same rights and treatment.
- Understand what discrimination means
- Understand that it is wrong to think one group of people are better than another.

Quran Verse: 
la yaskhar
Let not one community make fun of another community Surah Hujurat 49:11

The Quran teaches us that we are all children of the same parents, Adam and Hawwa and created from the same earth. Allah has created humans into many nations, communities, races and colours. But one nation or race can not claim they are better than others. As human beings we are the same and it is only our faith and actions that make us better or worse before Allah. 

Yet within society, people don’t always get along, and sometimes we forget that it is other people’s differences that make them unique and special. We often look down on people as we believe that they are lesser than us in some way. Allah tells us in the Qur’an, u’diluw, be just and always act fairlyAllah teaches us that every member of society is equal and deserves the same rights, treatment and respect from others. 

The opposite of equality is discrimination. Discrimination is when someone is treated differently or unfairly based on a variety of things such as their beliefs, their skin colour, or even whether they are a boy or girl. This is completely wrong.

In Surah Hujurat, Allah warns those who discriminate against and make fun of others. Some people think that they are better than others because they are fairer in skin colour or because of where they were born. They use these false beliefs to cause anger and hatred between communities. History is full of examples of one group of people depriving another of its basic human rights.

Rosa Parks

Equality Lesson: God Is Just
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