
30 Jul 2022

From Karbala to my Salaa

Imam Husayn (as) lived by all the beliefs and values salaa teaches. His connection with Allah through salaa was so strong that it gave him strength to stand for what is right and made him the incredible personality that he is. 

This Muharram we want to focus on understanding salaa so that we can strengthen our connection with Allah and live a Husayni life, making the right choices and behaving as God's ambassadors every day.

Lesson 1: Introduction and importance of Salaa

Lesson 2: Allahu Akbar – God is the #1 Priority

Lesson 3: Niyyah – Connecting to Allah

Lesson 4: Surah Fateha – A guide to the straight path

Lesson 5: Sajda – Obedience to Allah

Lesson 6: Astaghfar – Returning back to Allah

Lesson 7: Qunoot – Calling upon Allah

Lesson 8: Salaam – Living in peace

Lesson 9: Tasbeeh – An attitude of gratitude

Lesson 10: Jama’a – Unity in the community

Download complete lesson plan booklet: From Karbala to my Salaa

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