
25 Dec 2015

Prophet Muhammad (saw) Word Collage

Learning Objective:
- To describe the character of the Holy Prophet (saw)
- To understand how his qualities are an example for us to learn from and demonstrate.

Quran Verse:
lakad kana lakum fi rasoolilahi uswatun hasanah 33:21
In the Messenger of Allah, you have the most beautiful example.
  1. Brainstorm and write down words that remind and describe the beautiful character of the Holy Prophet (saw). This stage helps to prep the brain to spot the words more easily for the next step!
  2. Look through suitable magazines for words from the list or others that may have been missed. The magazines can also be filtered by tearing out pages to search through and for younger children specifically handing them a page where a word is present, for them to locate.
  3. Use the opportunity to question and discuss why the character of the Prophet is associated with a particular word, along with examples.
  4. Compile the images into a collage. 
  5. Choose a word from the art as a character trait to work on and talk about ways in which to implement.


18 Dec 2015

In The Footsteps Of The Prophet (SAW)

Learning Objective:
- To understand that the Holy Prophet (SAW) lived the words of the Qur'an in his manners and actions.

Quran Verse:
lakad kana lakum fi rasoolilahi uswatun hasanah 33:21
In the Messenger of Allah, you have the most beautiful example.

Spend the week leading upto the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) by emulating his beautiful example. Each day pick a Quranic verse and talk about how the Prophet showed this behavior in his life. Practice living the Qur'an in your day, and follow in the footsteps of the Prophet (SAW).

Download 7 Day PDF Plan complete with practical activity suggestions: In The Footsteps of the Prophet (SAW)

Download: Prophet Muhammad (S) eBook

11 Dec 2015

La illaha illalah

Lesson Objectives:
- To understand the meaning of the dhikr la illaha illalah
- To know that application must be with speech, heart and actions
- To understand the power and benefits of the dhikr

Qur'an Verse:
La illaha illalah, There is no God except Allah 47:19

‘The Kalima of Laillaha illala is my castle, and whoever enters the castle will be safe.

Lesson introduction:
A castle is a strong building built by important people to keep them safe. Nothing can be a greater and safer place than the castle of Allah!

All Muslims believe in the Kalima. They say ‘La illaha illala’ with their lips, believe it with their hearts and show it in their actions.

Words are powerful. They can have an affect on your body. The words of Allah are the best words and most powerful words. Remembering Allah and saying His words, helps you to feel better.
Saying the dhikr with your heart means that you believe that Allah is the only One we worship, and understand that nothing is greater or more important than Him.
You show ‘la illah illalah’ with your actions when you always listen and do what Allah has said, you obey Allah.

Activity: Anecdote – Power of Words
Boy becomes ill, alim recites some verses of Qur’an. 
A doctor also present says, “We have medicine to make you better, how can saying these words make a difference?’
Alim says to him “I did not know donkeys are wearing doctors uniforms theses days.”
Doctor gets furious, his face turns red and he can not speak. How can you call me a donkey?!
Alim explains, ‘please forgive me, I only said these rude words to make a point. Your face turned red, your heart started racing, you couldn’t talk…all because I said a few words. Now imagine, can God’s words not make a positive difference?

Activity: A Secret Dhikr!
Look in the mirror and quietly recite the following phrases, each time carefully watch the movement of your lips: Allahu Akber, Alhamdulilah, SubhanAllah, Laillaha illala
Which one had the least movement of the lips and mouth even though the tongue was moving?
The dhikr of la illaha is like a special secret between just you and Allah! No one else can tell what you’re saying or even see you speaking!

Activity: Castle Worksheet
Fold an A4 sheet of paper lengthways from both ends to meet in the middle. Cut 2 rectangles out of the top edge to resemble a castle with an opening.
Inside, draw yourself and label the mouth, heart and hands, as the parts which must be involved in making the dhikr and explain how.

Download lesson plan: La illaha illalah

30 Nov 2015

The Position of Sajda and the Turba

Lesson Objective:
- Understand how the position of sajda shows obedience to Allah
- Understand how we can use the lesson to help us focus only on Allah in the day.
- Understand the blessing of sajda in making dua
- Become aware of the physical benefits of the position of sajda.
- Understand how using a turba made from the soil of Karbala is a reminder of Imam Husayn (as) and the values he stood for.

Quran Verse: wakun minas saajideen, Be of those who do sajda 15:98

Key Learning Point:
Sajda is a position that shows our obedience. When I pray salaa and make sajda on the turba of Karbala, it reminds me how I must be like Imam Husayn (as) and give my bay’at only to Allah and the Ahlulbayt. Allah is my Creator and I am His servant. Unlike Iblis, I listen and do what Allah tells me and obey Him completely.

Lesson Introduction:
Sajda is a position when we bow down our heads onto the ground.

Allah tells us in the Qur’an 2:34 that when He created the first man, Prophet Adam, He asked the angels to ‘do sajda’ and bow down. The angels all listened to Allah and did what He said. They all obeyed Allah and did sajda, but Iblis did not. He thought he was better because he was made of fire and Prophet Adam was made of mud. Shaytan did not obey Allah and do what He asked him.

Putting our face on the ground, in a way that we can’t even see what is happening around us, would not be a position we would usually put ourselves in, but doing sajda is a way of lowering ourselves and remembering that Allah is the most High and we are his ‘abd’, we are His creation.

When we do sajda, it makes us remember how we must ‘atiullah’, always listen and do whatever Allah says with all our actions. We must obey Him completely. When we make sajda, we aren’t distracted  looking at everything that is happening around us. We are focused just on Allah. In the day there will be lots of distractions and things that try to take you away from Allah, that make you want to do things that are wrong, but you must remember that your focus is to always follow and do only what Allah says.

Imam Husayn (as) lived his whole life obeying Allah. Everytime we make salaa and our eyes fall on the turba made from the soil of Karbala, we are reminded of this great Iman who showed so much love and obedience to Allah. He stood for the truth, refusing to agree to Yazid’s rules but gave bay’at only to Allah. It is a daily reminder to us of how we want to be like Imam Husayn and live in a way that we always do what Allah has said.

We have been taught by our Imams that the position of sajda is the best to make dua. Imam Zainul Abideen loved to be in sajda so much, he even became known as Imam Sajjad!

The sajda is the only position in which head becomes lower than the heart and so blood gushes towards the brain in full force. The increased blood supply to the brain helps with better memory, concentration and less headaches!

Activity: Download and print worksheet

28 Nov 2015

The Brothers and Sisters do the Arbaeen Walk

Written in rhyme and detailing every step of the journey, this book is filled with all the sights, sounds and smells experienced on the unique Arbaeen walk from Najaf to Karbala. Available for order through email:

18 Nov 2015

Saying Salaam

Learning objective: 
- To know that Muslims greet each other by saying Asalam Alaikum 
- To know the importance of rushing to say Salaam first
- To understand how saying salaam should reflect in our behaviour as being peaceful with others.

Quran Verse: Fa aslihu, make peace 

Key Learning Point:
A true Muslim follows Allah’s rules and has the best of manners with all those around him. His behaviour is always peaceful and he doesn't do anything to hurt or upset others.

Different people greet each other in different ways. The Qur’an teaches us that when we meet, we must say "As-Salam Alaikum" or "Peace be upon you".  We are asking Allah to bring them peace.
When we greet each other in this way, we are not just saying hi, how are you. We are saying ‘I am a Muslim. My behaviour and manners are always peaceful. I try my best not to hurt or upset others. What a beautiful and special way to greet people, showing them that they are safe with you.

Activity: Asalam Alaikum Song

Game: Be the first to say salaam
Prophet Muhammad (saw) has told us to always rush to be the first to say Asalam Alaykum to others. Set a timer out of view, and race to see who can be the first to say salaam when it sets off!

Activity: Handprint Heart Handshake
It is good to shake hands when you say Asalam Alaikum. Keep in mind how your manners should be good and peaceful to each other.

Fold a piece of paper in half and draw round your hand with the index finger and thumb right up against the fold. Cut the hand out and open up to reveal the linked hands.

Activity: What Do Peaceful Manners Look Like?
Brainstorm what peace means and what peaceful behaviour looks like. E.g. Kind/helpful, Work together as a team, share with others, find a way to solve arguments calmly, be able to agree on a solution. Use picture cards or scenarios to role play different conflict scenarios and solutions to resolve them.

Activity: Peace Table

Activity: PEACE Pledge
Young ones can learn to mime the simple actions behind the pledge to help them remember what peaceful behaviour as a Muslim looks like.
"I promise everyday to act in the way of the Qur'an, copy the manners of the Ahlulbayt and be good!"

Peace Table

Learning Objective:
- To give children a tool to solve problems in a focused, structured way, in order to achieve peace.
- To understand the need to listen to others
- To understand how to reach a peaceful solution
- To know that we can achieve peace by following the Qur'an and copying the manners of the Ahlulbayt. 

Quran Verse:
Fa aslihu, Make Peace 49:10

Key Learning Point:
A true Muslim always acts in the way the Qur'an teaches and follows the manners of the Ahlulbayt. His behaviour is always peaceful and he doesn't do anything to hurt or upset others.

The Peace Table is a conflict resolution tool adapted from the Montessori classroom. It can be implemented at home to help work through disputes to a mutually agreeable resolution. 
Symbols such as a Globe, Qur'an stand, Karbala flag etc can be set up on the table as visuals to remind children that to be at peace with one another, we must act in the way the Qur'an teaches us and follow the manners of the Ahlulbayt. 

Brainstorm what peace means and what peaceful behaviour looks like. E.g. Kind/helpful, Work together as a team, get along with others, find a way to solve arguments calmly, be able to agree on a solution. Use picture cards or scenarios to role play different conflict scenarios and solutions to resolve them.

Can you imagine how the world would be if everyone made peace with each other? How would it be if everyone was kind, helped each other or didn’t upset you? We must do our best to follow Allah’s rules and live in a peaceful way.

Activity: PEACE Pledge

17 Nov 2015

Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (as)

Lesson Objectives:
- To understand how Imam Hassan (as) tried to make peace
- To know that although starting a fight is not allowed, it is
necessary to protect and defend people who are being harmed, to bring true peace. 

Quran Verse: Fa aslihu
Make peace 49:10

The Peace Treaty of Imam Hassan (as)

After coming back from burying his father Imam Ali (as), Imam Hassan (as) spoke to the people and explained how he was now the next leader as Allah has chosen the Imams from the family of the Holy Prophet. He would guide them how to live according to the teachings of the Qur’an.

However, Muawiyah was not happy. He wanted to be the most powerful ruler over the people of Iraq and started to cause trouble to try and get rid of Imam Hassan (as). 

Allah emphasizes in the Qur’an how we should work hard to try and come to an agreement that will bring peace. We should try our best not to start a fight or arguments.

All our Imams always made every effort to bring peace. Imam Hassan (as) tried to come to an agreement by accepting a peace treaty.

In the treaty, Imam wrote a list of rules, which explained that Muawiyah as a leader should
  • Rule the country accordingly to the Qur’an and the example of the Holy Prophet (saw)
  • Not harm the people or the Ahlulbayt
  • Not choose a leader after him, but that the role should go back to the Imams
Even through Muawiyah had signed the paper, showing he had agreed to what Imam had said, Muawiyah never kept the promises he had made in the treaty. He made it clear he wanted power more than wanting to keep the teachings of Islam and said anyone who disagreed with him would be killed!

Muawiyah tried to kill Imam Hassan (as) many times and eventually he managed to convince Jo’dah, the wife of Imam Hassan (as), to poison him. He then made his son Yazid, the leader after him.

The Qur’an makes it clear that we must not start a fight or war and must always try our best to make peace. However, Allah explains how important it is to treat people well, always behaving fairly. He teaches us how we must protect the people who are weak or being treated wrongly. If there is no other way, that we must fight to defend and help the people to bring true peace.

Peace Pledge

12 Nov 2015

Make The Truth Clear

Quran Verse: 'Koonu ma'as sadiqeen', Be with the truthful 9:119

Materials Needed:
White crayon or candle
Watercolour paint

After the event of Karbala, Yazid thought he had won. He thought he had hidden the truth. 

Write the word TRUTH on a piece of white paper, using a white crayon or candle. 

Lady Zainab (as) and Imam Sajjad (as) were put through so many difficulties, but they made sure that they told everyone the truth about who they were, and what had happened to the family of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Karbala. 

Have the children paint over the paper with liquid watercolour paint to reveal the hidden words.

With the help of Allah, the truth was made clear.
Over 1000 years later, millions of people all over the world still remember Imam Husayn (as) and his family. Yazid was not able to hide the truth. It was clear for everyone to see that it is only Allah’s rules which must be followed and that what Yazid had done was wrong.

Key Learning Point:
Whatever happens, however hard it is to tell the truth, remember Karbala and never let anyone make you hide the truth. It can sometimes be scary and difficult, but we must always 'be with the saadiqeen’ and make the truth clear by doing and saying what is right, even if no-one else will.

Talk about how you often have to make a choice of covering up the truth or being honest. Make it clear that although people involved may be upset by what has happened that you are trying to hide, they will always be grateful and proud that you told the truth. There may still be consequences for your actions but telling the truth is more important and loved by Allah.

Discuss the importance and need to help make the truth clear for others by speaking up for someone who may be wronged.

11 Nov 2015

The Truth Can Not Be Hidden

Quran Verse: 'Koonu ma'as saadiqeen', Be with the truthful 9:119

Materials Needed:
Black Card
White Chalk

1. Imam Husayn (as) was of the 'saadiqeen', he was always truthful and did what Allah has said.
With a piece of white chalk, write the word TRUTH clearly across a black card.

2. Yazid tried to hide the truth about Allah by killing Imam Husayn (as) and his family. 
Cover the chalk with hairspray. The letters will start to fade and disappear.

3. After the event of Karbala, Yazid thought he had won. Do you think Yazid managed to hide the truth?
You can either have the group watch as the chalk letters slowly start to reappear or turn the card around as you question and discuss with the group, before revealing the words. It can take around 2-3 mins for the complete word to reappear clearly. 

4. Lady Zainab (as) and Imam Sajjad (as) made sure that they told everyone the truth about who they were, and what had happened to the family of the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Karbala. With the help of Allah, the truth became clear. 

After the demonstration, each child can be given their own small piece of card and chalk to try out. Before using the hairspray, have them share possible situations where they might have been tempted to hide the truth. Talk about how you often have to make a choice of covering up the truth or being honest. Make it clear that although people involved may be upset by what has happened that you are trying to hide, they will always be grateful and proud that you told the truth. There may still be consequences for your actions but telling the truth is more important and loved by Allah.


Stand For The Truth

Quran Verse: 'Koonu ma'as sadiqeen', Be with the truthful 9:119

Key Learning Point:
Allah chose the Imams for us to learn from and follow. Imam Husayn (as) stood for the truth. We learn from him that we too must ‘be with the saadiqeen’ and do/say what’s right even if no-one else will.

Illustrate the key point of the lesson literally by making a pop up card with a man rising to stand as it opened! When we follow Imam Husayn (as), we stand up against wrong and our actions help to bring peace around the world.

Activity: The Truth Can Not Be Hidden
Activity: Make The Truth Clear
Activity: Handprint Flag

Download lesson plan: Stand for the truth

5 Nov 2015

Imam Sajjad (as) Story Bag

Lesson Objective:
- To gain a brief overview of the life of our 4th Imam through visual aids.

Place all the objects into a bag and have the children pick out an item in turn.
Use the prop to talk about how each object relates to the life of Imam Sajjad (as)
Repeat the activity a second time but have each child 'show and tell' to the class about what the object signifies.

Older children can use the props to write their own short biography/poem about the Imam.

Poster shared by Little Learners Preschool
Download complete lesson plan: Dua: Talking to Allah

24 Oct 2015

Karbala Model


22 Oct 2015

Muharram Inspiration

An excellent resource of ideas and inspiration gathered in this series by Buzz Ideazz.


20 Oct 2015

Simple Muharram Book

Lesson Objective:
- To gain an overview of the story of Karbala
- To introduce the importance of majalis by retelling the events of Karbala

A simple book based on the original book titled 'My Muharram Book' by Fatima Karim, illustrated by Marhuma Sajida Jivraj. The original title can be bought online and downloaded as an eBook.

Create simple shapes from foam to match the narration on each page.
The content can be varied/minimised according to age

Have the children 'read' a majalis from their special books each night during the 10 days of Muharram

15 Oct 2015

Muharram Gems Calendar

Idea shared by a Mum

Learning Objective:
- To become familiar with the great personalities in Karbala 
- To understand a lesson from each personality 

Create a 10 day calendar by labeling a personality under each date.
Mark corresponding envelopes for each day.
Inside each envelope include: the name of the personality, a bit about them and a short activity.
Have the child collect a coloured gem each day.

Resources about each personality
Activity ideas on lessons from Karbala
Pearls of Karbala: Cards which can be used as envelope inserts to help discuss each personality.

11 Oct 2015

Lessons of Karbala Book

Mr Ali asks class 14A what Muharram is about. Is it just to attend mosque, listen to lectures and cry for 10 nights? What is the purpose of our tears?
Learning the lessons of Karbala discusses 24 lessons through conversations that the children in class have with their teacher and each other, as they learn about and understand the message of Imam Husayn (as).
It's priced at only £1 and available for order through email:

21 Sept 2015

Hajj Book Corner


17 Sept 2015

Sweetness of Good Deeds

Materials Needed:
Two white plastic cups
Sweet drink
Bitter drink
Heart sticker/draw onto each cup 

Place the drinks into each cup but do not make the children aware of the difference. Explain how when we wear the Ihram, Allah is teaching us that what we see on the outside is not the most important part of us. It's what's on the inside that matters. Have the children take a small sip out of each cup and taste the difference. 

At Hajj we wear the Ihram. Rich or poor we all look the same on the outside. Allah looks at your heart inside. Is it full of sweet good deeds? 

5 Sept 2015

The Migration Of the Prophet (SAW)

Lesson Objective:
- To understand how we should treat refugees.

Quran Verse:
Koonoo ansarallah
Be helpers of Allah 61:14

Lesson Introduction:
In the city of Makkah, Prophet Muhammad and his followers went through much suffering and hardships and it was no longer a safe place to live. They had to leave their homes and move away, migrating to the city of Madinah. These Muslims were called Muhajirs, the ones who had made the Hijra, the migration. They were now homeless and almost penniless because they had to leave everything behind.

The people of Madinah were very kind and welcoming. They shared their homes, wealth, families and all the blessings Allah had given them to help those in need. They were called the Ansars, the helpers. The Holy Prophet (SAW) paired each Muhajir with one Ansar and said they were like brothers. The generous Ansar helped their new brothers settle, feel safe and start a comfortable life in a new city. Allah praises them in the Quran, telling us how they showed love to the migrants, even giving them preference over their own needs. Allah calls these people the successful ones. (59:9)

The Qur’an and the perfect example of the Holy Prophet (SAW) teach us how we should treat others. When we all behave in this way and share what we have, we help to build a more peaceful world.

Download lesson plan: Serving God's Creation

Praying for Iraq


10 Jul 2015

Laylatul Qadr Treat Box

To help instill the excitement and importance of the night of Qadr and leave a positive lasting memory of this blessed night.

Suggestions to include:
Islamic Books/CD
Sweet treats 
Tasbeeh and A'maal book
Art materials/canvas to create a representation of what the night of Qadr means to you.
Tshirt and fabric markers 
A special personalised letter.

Alternatively, you could wrap little treats to be opened for every hour they manage to stay awake!

Power Of The Qur'an

Learning Objective:
-Become familiar with the Hadith of the Holy Prophet, "Hearts rust just as iron rusts. They are polished through the recitation of the Quran." 
- Visualise the polishing power of the Qur'an on the heart 
- Understand how spending time with the Qur'an should show in our 'shining manners'.

1. In a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1/4 cup of vinegar or lemon juice
2. Stir thoroughly
3. Place old dirty coins into the bowl
4. Wait for a few minutes, take the coins out, rinse them in water and dry them with paper towels. They will be shiny and clean!
This is what happens when you spend time with the Quran, read it, understand it and act on it. Allah’s Words will clean and polish you inside and out! Your soul will be cleaner and closer to Allah and your manners and actions will be those that please Him. You will be a shining example of what it means to follow the Quran!

7 Jul 2015

Qualities of the Masumeem

Learning Objective: 
- To perform the a'maal of Qadr with understanding
- To recap a quality from each of the Masumeen that we aspire to embody.

The 14 Masumeen taught us how to live by the Qur'an. They are the best examples for us to copy and follow.

O Allah Help us to be like the Masumeen who You love the most
Like Muhammad (SAW) Give us the most excellent manners 
Like Ali (as) Make us brave and ready to do what makes You happy 
Like Fatema (as) Let us be kind and caring towards our parents 
Like Hassan (as) Help us to be calm and forgiving
Like Husayn (as) Keep us with the truthful 
Like Ali Zain Ul Abideen (as) Keep us busy in remembering You 
Like Muhammad al Baqir (as) Give us knowledge that is useful 
Like Jaffer As Sadiq (as) Make us appreciate the amazing world You have created 
Like Musa Al Kadhim (as) Help us to control our anger

Like Ali Ar Ridha (as) Make us pleased with whatever You have planned for us 
Like Muhammad At Taqi (as) Make us of those who have taqwa 
Like Ali Un Naqi (as) Help us to lead the Muslims towards good
Like Hasan Al Askari (as) Help us to use our time in preparing for the 12th Imam
Like Your Hujjat Al Mahdi (ATF) 

May we bring peace by acting on the teachings of the Quran and the Ahlulbayt


5 Jul 2015

Infographics: Lessons from Surah Ankaboot by The Visual Age


4 Jul 2015

Surah Qadr Vocabulary

Learning Objective:
- To become familiar with the meaning of Surah Qadr through Quranic vocabulary of key words

Quranic Verse:
Surah Qadr 97

Download Quranic Vocabulary Worksheet With Cut Out Images

3 Jul 2015

Ramadhan Dhikr Tent

Create a a calm and special space to read and reflect. 
Inspired by the Itikaf tent featured in: How to Get Your Kids to Look Forward to and Love Ramadan 

26 Jun 2015

Quran Word A Day: Najm/Star

Learning Objective:
To understand and appreciate the purpose of stars.

Qur'an Word: Najm, Star

Qur'an Verse: It is He Who has appointed the stars for you so you might be guided by them in the darkness of the land and sea. 6:97

Imagine if you had to meet a friend under a lamppost on the other side of a hill. As you walk towards your friend you would see the light appear over the hill, long before you could see your friend. You would know exactly what direction they were, even though you could not see them. In the same way, the stars in the sky act like lampposts. Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He has ‘made the stars for you, so that you may be guided by them in the darkness of the land and sea.’ Sailors and other travelers use the stars to help them find their way.

There is a star that is almost exactly in the north at all times, called the Polaris or the North Star. It is simple to find, if you know the shape of the Plough/Big Dipper, an easy to identify group of seven stars. Take the two stars at the end of the Big Dipper, and make an imaginary line upwards. Extend it five times the distance between the two stars. There you have it, Polaris. That way is always north. Allah has put a compass and map ready for us to use in the night sky! 
Activities: Find the North Star
On a clear night, find a space, ideally away from tall buildings and bright lights and star gaze! You can use a compass to help find the Big Dipper.


23 Jun 2015

The Moon

Learning Objective:
- to understand the importance of the moon in determining the time of the month.
- to understand the correlation between the passing of time and the change in moon shape.
to understand what it means to look for the new moon, especially at the start of the month of Ramadhan.

Qur'an Word: Qamar - Moon
Qur'an Verse: And We have made set phases for the moon 36:39

Moon Facts:
- no light of own, reflects sun
- made of rocks
- doesn't have air
- is 4x smaller than Earth
- you can float on the moon!
- has lots of holes on it

The Lunar Calendar follows the Moon. A month is the time the moon takes to pass through a complete cycle of its phases, and is measured from one New Moon upto the next. The word month comes from the word Moon!

Allah tells us in the Quran there are 12 months in the lunar calendar, but since each month is around 29 days, the Islamic calendar is shorter than the Gregorian calendar, and that’s why the month of Ramadhan is earlier every year! This allows us to experience fasting in different seasons, sometimes when the days are long and others in winter when the days are short.

Activity: The Moon goes around The Earth Rhyme
Activity: Moon Phase Viewer
Activity: Moon Sighting Telescope
Activity: Dua upon Sighting the New Moon
Activity: Moon Phases Sequencing
Activity: Moon Phase Cards
Activity: Playdough Moon Phases
Activity: Paper Plate Rotating Moon
Activitiy: Islamic Rotating Calendar
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